About Me

I am Giovanny Aguirre. I am a 9th grader at HPIAM i'm 14 years old, so far i'm in no sports team or clubs but my favorite subjects are math and biology

Thursday, December 17, 2015

                                      Final Part 1 of 2
 The things i liked about this class is that you get to learn new things about the computer if your new to using one. they teach it to you part by part. I also liked how we get to explain what some quotes in our view. and i also liked that the fact we get some free time if our work is done for the day. Another thing that i like is practicing my typing skills. the part that i don't like is not given more time to practice. The only ting i would ask to improve is give more time to practice our typing sills for 20 min. I believe i did my best in the class because i try despite how it looks. I am committed to be a CTR person because it seems that you'll get more things in life if you do 

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